
Having traveled from Italy to Taiwan more than twenty times over the years, Ivan energetically shared everything about Valcucine with us. With his lively gestures and witty words, he’s like a dedicated evangelist, reflecting the romantic essence Italians often associate with design. Valcucine’s reputation as a high-end kitchen brand isn’t coincidental. They have transformed imagination into practicality, producing tangible products that people can touch and feel.

靈魂人物Gabriele Centazzo

Valcucine成立於1980年,由Gabriele Centazzo創辦,今年已高齡七十三歲仍舊活躍於設計圈,即便是最新發表的LOGICA CELATA系列廚具,也能看到他的手繪作品參與其中。Centazzo不僅是Valcucine的靈魂人物,也是設計圈的精神導師,前瞻的思維與熱愛設計、藝術的靈魂感動許多追隨者。每每參與義大利盛大舉辦的米蘭展,都聚集著想一睹Centazzo風采的人們,望受其言語啟迪,足見他的影響力與不滅的人氣。

Soul of Valcucine: Gabriele Centazzo
Established in 1980 by Gabriele Centazzo, Valcucine witnesses its visionary founder remaining active in the design realm, even at seventy-three. Even in the latest LOGICA CELATA kitchen collection, one can see his hand-drawn designs incorporated. Centazzo is not just the heart and soul of Valcucine, but also a spiritual mentor in the design community. His forward-thinking approach and passionate devotion to design and art have inspired many followers. Every time he participates in the grand Milan exhibition held in Italy, crowds gather, eager to witness Centazzo’s charm and hoping to be enlightened by his words. This speaks volumes about his enduring influence and popularity.


Through the kitchen brand Valcucine, the essence of Centazzo’s philosophy is articulated and then brought to life at the product level, letting people immerse themselves in exceptional design and sense his inspiration from the world around him. As long as Valcucine’s products are cherished for even one more day, Centazzo’s passion lives on for one more day. Ivan spoke animatedly about the extraordinary qualities of this design mentor, his eyes shining with admiration, ‘He’s not just a designer, he’s a great artist.’

他重要的思想之一為永續發展,此理念淋漓展現於Valcucine的產品中,甚至取得綠建築標章LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)認證,從材料、製造,甚至是未來回收都堅守永續原則,而早在四十年前Centazzo便有前瞻的環保意識,影響人們正視環境議題。而永續理念在近年吸引了臺灣綠建築建案陶朱隱園的注意,主動提出合作邀約,其結構理念與Valcucine四十年前打造的工廠有異曲同工之妙,Ivan認為這是一個令人振奮的發現,只要世界越來越了解如何與自然共存,人類文明便能邁向更好的境地。

One of his pivotal philosophies is sustainable development, a principle vividly embodied in Valcucine’s products. They’ve even secured the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification, steadfastly adhering to sustainability guidelines from material sourcing to manufacturing, and even future recycling. Remarkably, Centazzo’s environmental foresight dates back to forty years ago, prompting people to confront ecological issues. In recent years, this sustainability ethos caught the attention of Taiwan’s green building project ‘Tao Zhu Yin Yuan,’ which reached out for a collaborative partnership. The structural philosophy of this project parallels the approach Valcucine adopted for their factory four decades ago. To Ivan, this alignment is a thrilling revelation; he believes that as the world gains deeper understanding on harmonizing with nature, our civilization will advance to a brighter horizon.

他重要的思想之一為永續發展,此理念淋漓展現於Valcucine的產品中,甚至取得綠建築標章LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)認證,從材料、製造,甚至是未來回收都堅守永續原則,而早在四十年前Centazzo便有前瞻的環保意識,影響人們正視環境議題。而永續理念在近年吸引了臺灣綠建築建案陶朱隱園的注意,主動提出合作邀約,其結構理念與Valcucine四十年前打造的工廠有異曲同工之妙,Ivan認為這是一個令人振奮的發現,只要世界越來越了解如何與自然共存,人類文明便能邁向更好的境地。

One of his pivotal philosophies is sustainable development, a principle vividly embodied in Valcucine’s products. They’ve even secured the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification, steadfastly adhering to sustainability guidelines from material sourcing to manufacturing, and even future recycling. Remarkably, Centazzo’s environmental foresight dates back to forty years ago, prompting people to confront ecological issues. In recent years, this sustainability ethos caught the attention of Taiwan’s green building project ‘Tao Zhu Yin Yuan,’ which reached out for a collaborative partnership. The structural philosophy of this project parallels the approach Valcucine adopted for their factory four decades ago. To Ivan, this alignment is a thrilling revelation; he believes that as the world gains deeper understanding on harmonizing with nature, our civilization will advance to a brighter horizon.



A Lifestyle for the User
Valcucine does not define itself as luxurious, but rather as a lifestyle choice. It emphasizes user awareness, ergonomics, and seamless operations. The brand even considers the unique needs of various countries and regions, understanding user demands from different cultural perspectives. For instance, the same product line can exude minimalism, warmth, elegance, stability, or modernity in different spaces. Instead of imposing a strong distinctive style, meeting diverse needs truly embodies the brand’s value.


Over the course of forty years, Valcucine has witnessed the evolution of kitchen trends. The kitchen, which once occupied a small corner of a house, has gradually become the central hub for communication within the home, adopting a more open layout that’s closely connected to other areas. Following the pandemic, people have developed new dining habits. Kitchen islands are no longer just for dining and cooking; they also serve as spaces to work while enjoying snacks, or to accompany children with their homework, thereby extending the usage time of this area. To adapt to this new mode, the height of the kitchen island can be lowered to that of a regular table, and simply pulling up a chair meets the communicative needs of the users. Impressively, products developed by Valcucine fifteen years ago still appear futuristic and appealing today. For example, one can easily lift a countertop panel with just the dexterity of a fingertip, or effortlessly open a 300 cm wide overhead cabinet door.

LOGICA CELATA系列符合當代開放式的場域需求,完全閉闔如一般的收納櫃,展開門板時讓人驚呼原來內藏一座廚具。對於東方元素感到興趣的Centazzo,也從日本文化中汲取靈感,因此我們能在GENIUS LOCI系列中看到和風木質吧檯與中島的結合,並且創造量體的漂浮感。於大大小小的細節中,不難發現Centazzo設計中充滿童趣的思維,從其設計手稿上的幾何比例、自然動能結構體,讓人產生達文西般的既視感,足見他對於設計廣泛的興趣。

The LOGICA CELATA  series caters to the contemporary need for open spaces. When fully closed, it appears as a regular storage cabinet, but when the door panels are opened, it unveils a hidden kitchen, much to one’s astonishment. Centazzo, intrigued by Eastern elements, has also drawn inspiration from Japanese culture. As a result, in the GENIUS LOCI series, we witness a harmonious fusion of a Japanese-style wooden bar counter with a central island, creating an illusion of levitation. Observing the minute details, it’s easy to discern Centazzo’s playful, child-like thought processes in his designs. The geometric proportions and kinetic structures in his sketches evoke a Da Vinci-esque familiarity, testifying to his expansive interests in design.



Delving into Local Cultures to Unearth Needs
“When choosing a partner, my principle is that the coffee they offer to guests should be delicious,” Ivan quipped, which genuinely reflects Valcucine’s sincere approach to relationships. When entering different markets, their initial step is to gain a deep understanding of the local culture and customs. They place immense importance on the role of distributors, actively engaging with partners from different regions as if they were family. Only the right distributors can truly promote the brand’s values. Each of them undergoes comprehensive training to ensure the best customized service. Every design approach is as if they were planning their own kitchen, ensuring smoother, more intuitive workflows and configurations that cater to human needs.

「We have the beautiful connection」如同Valcucine的全球銷售總監Ivan Ceschiutti所說,創造美好的價值來自於人與人、人與環境的連結。在創新與耐用中達到健康、可持續性、永友善環境,並且滿足廚房中的所有需求,即是Valcucine的宗旨。

“We have a beautiful connection,” as Ivan Ceschiutti, the Global Sales Director of Valcucine, put it. The creation of valuable beauty stems from connections between people, and between people and the environment. Balancing innovation and durability to achieve health, sustainability, and a perennially friendly environment, while meeting all the needs of a kitchen, epitomizes the mission of Valcucine.